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Whole Chicken

Stock Family Farm

1 Whole Pastured Chicken | Approx 5 pounds @ $5.29/pounds = $26.45 + $0.00 Assembly
5 Whole Pastured Chickens | Approx 25 pounds @ $5.19/pounds = $129.75 + $0.00 Assembly
10 Whole Pastured Chickens | Approx 50 pounds @ $5.09/pounds = $254.50 + $0.00 Assembly

Perfect for the oven or the grill, a whole pasture raised chicken makes for a classic meal. Feed the entire family and have leftovers.

Our chickens are raised outdoors and moved daily to new pasture. They are fed a blend of Organic grains, consume fresh grass, and forage for insects. Visit our farm and you'll love what you see. Eat our chicken, you'll taste the difference and be healthier for it.

We offer two sizes of whole birds. The standard bird is typically between 4-6 pounds and we also offer a small bird in the 3-4 pound range.

Note: Prices vary based on weight and your total will be adjusted based on actual weight.

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