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Is there anything better than bacon? Thick cut, smoked, and seasoned to perfection. We raise small groups of pigs...
If you've never tried beef cheeks, you're in for a treat! Braised beef cheeks have an amazing...
Bone-in Skin-on Chicken Breast makes for a juicy and flavorful meal. Grilled, roasted or fried, you can't go...
The best of both worlds, our most popular cut of chicken. Boneless convenience combined with skin-on flavor can't...
Fire up the grill and grab the kraut! Bratwurst are the perfect addition to any gathering or barbecue. We raise...
Packed with flavor, a great way to start your day! We raise small groups of pigs rotated through wooded pastures...
The good stuff! Packed full of flavor and ready for delicious broths, soups, and stews. Our chickens are raised...
Great on the grill at a summer barbecue, fried, or baked. Drumsticks are always juicy and full of flavor. Our...
Packed with collagen and gelatin. Great for making homemade stocks and broths! Our chickens are raised outdoors...
An absolute delicacy! Chicken hearts are a great source of protein, vitamins, iron and zinc. We suggest marinading...
Delicious and versatile, chicken leg quarters make for a great meal any night of the week. Baked, grilled, or fried...
The most nutritious part of the bird! Chicken livers are rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, and protein and...
The most flavorful part of the chicken! Chicken thighs are great for grilling, frying, braising, or any preparation....
Baked, fried, or grilled chicken wings can't be beat! Our wings are sold whole, with drum, flat, and tip...
When cooked low and slow, beef chuck roast becomes so tender you can shred it using a fork. Use in stews, shred for...
Great for meatballs, dumplings, meat sauces, stir fry, chili, burgers, tacos, and endless other dishes; ground beef...
Ground lamb is nutrient dense and low in saturated fat. It is excellent for burgers, meatballs, chili, and of course,...
Great for meatballs, dumplings, meat sauces, stir fry, chili, burgers, tacos, and endless other dishes; ground pork...
A bone-in, smoked ham steak is an easy, convenient choice for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! These thick cut ham steaks...
We keep a beehive on the farm, we leave most of the honey for the bees, but harvest a small amount from time to time....
Leg of lamb diced into large chunks ready for kebabs, stews, or any other preparation. Our Dorper flock is 100%...
Organ meats offer a number of valuable health benefits. They're packed with B vitamins, are one of the few...
Our Dorper flock is 100% grass-fed. During the warmer months, they are raised outdoors and moved daily to fresh...
Great for braising. This cut is easy to prepare; simply season, brown, then cook low and slow until the meat falls...
These are perfect for a nutritious bone broth or the base for a soup. Our Dorper flock is 100% grass-fed. During...
Leg of lamb is an impressive cut. Easy to prepare and always a crowd pleaser, serve with mint jelly, a glaze, or...
Classic heart shaped morsels, lamb loin chops look like mini T-bone steaks with both the loin and filet sold as part...
An assortment of everything that is bloom in the garden right now: snapdragons, sunflowers, cosmos, zinnias and more!
Our hens live in a mobile coop that is moved to fresh grass daily. Their door is opened at dawn and closed at dark,...
A Stock Family Farm Favorite! Great in the slow cooker with white beans or braise and add your favorite sauce. The...
Frenched and ready for the oven, grill, or pan, this delicacy makes a fine meal or appetizer. Our grass-fed racks are...
Our pet food topper is coarse ground blend of organ meats, bones, and less desirable cuts from the animals raised on...
This steak is rich, juicy and full-flavored with generous marbling throughout. Simply the best!...
Made with LOVE from Wisconsin. You’ll love our chutney! Try chutney on cheese, eggs, sandwiches, grilled meats,...
Shoulder Roast, also known as a chuck roast, makes an excellent meal - similar to a beef chuck roast. Season...
Pork shoulder is best cooked low and slow, this style of cooking tenderizes the meat and melts the fat. A shoulder...
Sirloin chops are great for on the grill or seared in a pan. This bone-in cut has lots of flavor, takes a marinade...
A wonderful cut packed with flavor and perfect for any occasion. Aside from the traditional preparation served as a...
This cut can be served sliced thin, shredded, or smoked. Less fatty than a chuck or shoulder roast, great offered...
Smoked pork hocks are a Stock Family Farm favorite! We love them in split pea soup, slow cooked with white beans,...
Smoked, grilled, or baked in the oven, spare ribs are hard to beat. Packed with flavor, perfect for a summertime...
Lamb rib are full of flavor and are a unique alternative to pork ribs. Cook them slow and low until fully tender with...
Welcome Spring with 100% grass-fed lamb and pasture raised chicken and eggs! This deal includes the following: (1)...
Our stew meat is ideal for a variety of low and slow braised dishes from classic lamb stew with root vegetables to...
Show your support for the farm! High Quality 60/40 blend T-Shirt. Sizes S-XXL
Show your support for the farm! High Quality 60/40 blend T-Shirt. Sizes S-XXL
It's hard to beat a thick cut pork chop from a heritage breed hog. Can't find these chops at the supermarket....
Perfect for the oven or the grill, a whole pasture raised chicken makes for a classic meal. Feed the entire family...
We raise Dorper Sheep 100% on pasture. Our flock is raised outdoors, moved daily to fresh grass, and is never fed...